Muslim Footballers

Did you know that there are many Muslim Football players who juggle the game with Ramadan and fasting every year? In a recent match between Manchester United and Leicester City (which ended in a 1-1 draw) Muslim players Paul Pogba and Wesley Fofana were fasting and both players put on a fantastic performance on theContinue reading “Muslim Footballers”

What is Ramadan?

A few days ago you might have heard abut the month of Ramadan starting. Ramadan is a holy month where Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset (Fajr to Maghrib), read more Quran and pray more. During the nights of Ramadan, after Isha Muslims go to perform an additional prayer called Taraweeh. After Ramadan, there isContinue reading “What is Ramadan?”


You might have seen bushfires on the news but what are they really? Bushfires are commonly known as a ‘natural disaster’ because they cause lots of havoc and trauma. Bushfires need to be ignited by something, it could be a shard of glass magnifying the suns rays and starting a small flame that quickly spreads,Continue reading “Bushfires”

What are the dangers of invasive species

What makes animals invasive is the fact that they are taking over lands that they are not native to, killing native animals and eating all the food. Invasive species have no or very few predators in the land that they are invading. One of my school holiday books from the library was on this topicContinue reading “What are the dangers of invasive species”

What is a financial year?

Over the last few weeks you’ve probably been hearing people talk about something called the end of financial year. I asked my dad who is an accountant what it’s all about.A financial year is a twelve-month period that businesses and other organizations use to account for their income, expenses, profits, and losses. This is alsoContinue reading “What is a financial year?”

Mount Everest

You’ve probably heard about Mount Everest, but do you really know what it is? Mount Everest is in Nepal India and is also the tallest mountain on Earth! The first successful climb to the peak of Mount Everest was in 1953 by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. Mount Everest is a very dangerous place andContinue reading “Mount Everest”

Table mountain

Have you heard about Table mountain in Cape Town South Africa? It is a flat top mountain overlooking the city. You’re probably wondering why its called Table mountain. It’s called Table mountain because it has a flat top and the water from the De Villiers dam near Table mountain evaporates and creates clouds on topContinue reading “Table mountain”

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